NOTICE: Used vehicle purchases are no longer covered by the California Lemon Law.
California Lemon Law - Vehicles Purchased or Leased New Only. California
has one of the most consumer-protective
lemon laws in the nation!
your new or used car, truck, or SUV been
back to the dealers shop for warranty
repairs too many times, or has just spent an
unreasonable number of days in the shop? You
may have a valid claim under our California
lemon law. A valid California lemon law
demand that is presented to the automobile
manufacturer by our law firm can often reach
a resolution in as little as 15 days! A
valid California lemon law
settlement with the automobile manufacturer
will allow you to get a refund of all the
monies and payments you have made, as well
as a payoff of any lease/loan balance owed
and rid yourself of the defective vehicle.
Or, if the consumer desires, a settlement
can often yield a brand new replacement
vehicle. In some cases, consumers can
receive a large cash settlement payment and
still keep their vehicle!

kinds of problems or defects must my vehicle
have to be a "lemon" in California?
most California lemon law cases, the defect
(problem) must "substantially impair the
use of safety of the vehicle…". Examples
of this are engine problems, transmission
problems, steering problems,
radiator/cooling system problems, brake
problems, CHECK ENGINE or SRS/AIRBAG warning
lights, electrical problems, driveline/rear
differential problems, axle problems,
alignment/abnormal tire wear problems, air
conditioning/heating system problems, power
windows/door locks problems, traction/ESP
problems, dash warning light problems, and
many problems/defects that substantially
impair the vehicle’s use for everyday
many times must I got back to the dealer for
warranty repair visits for the same problem?
depends on many factors, including – but
not limited to: how many months/years the
vehicle has been in use under warranty, how
many miles are on the vehicle, if the
vehicle has been driven under or over the
national average (12,000 miles per year),
and the nature of the problem or defect(s).
3 or 4 repair visits for the same
problem/defect will trigger a lemon law
claim. However, if within the first 18
months or 18,000 miles from new car delivery
the vehicle sees four (4) times in the shop
for the same issue, or has spent a
cumulative of over 30 days in for warranty
repairs, it is "presumed" to be a "lemon" under our California lemon law
statute. Additionally, if the problem can be
proved to "likely cause serious injury or
death" in the same months/miles time
parameter set above, then only two (2)
repair attempts are necessary under
California lemon law. Please bear in mind
that any vehicle that has had a history of
problems and repairs while under warranty
may qualify for lemon law relief, and is the
reason a consumer should not decide in their
own mind if their vehicle is a "lemon"
or not. Only an experienced California lemon
law attorney can make that determination.
of what your vehicle’s warranty repair
history has been, you should call our firm
or complete a FREE
Case Evaluation Form to see
if you have a "lemon".
would like to discuss my vehicle’s
problems, and find out if I have a case.
What number do I call?

California’s largest lemon law firm on your
We are the California lemon law experts. Our
team of experienced California
lemon law attorneys have settled
over 18,000 California lemon law cases. Our
settlement success rate is 99%. We have over 35
years of experience settling California lemon
law cases. Having California’s largest Lemon
Law firm working for you has many benefits.
Our attorneys travel the state. If the need
arises - we come to you. Our California lemon
law cases are processed quickly and
efficiently. We spend extra time making sure
our clients have all their questions answered,
and understand the lemon law claim
and settlement process before their lemon law
case is started. The time spent communicating
continues until the case concludes. Though we
are the state’s largest lemon law firm, we
personally handle every call. We do not use "voice mail" or other electronic/computer
phone systems. When you call our firm during
business hours, you speak with live,
knowledgeable people – not a computer or
know the automobile manufacturers. We have worked closely with them for
32 years. Quality working relationships between the lemon law attorney firm and
the automobile manufacturer’s legal representatives is an integral part of
ensuring a successful conclusion to each lemon law claim.
am visiting different California lemon law attorney’s websites. Are there
differences in how a lemon law case can be pursued by one attorney firm or
Absolutely! In our
32 years of handling over 18,000 California lemon law cases, we have seen many
clients come to us with cases wherein they had previous legal counsel, but
released the lemon law attorney/firm by virtue of the firm not getting the
results the client sought from the manufacturer (or the previous firm released
them). Upon reviewing many of these cases and looking at the previous attorney
firm’s correspondence with the manufacturer, it was immediately apparent why
the results were not realized due to many reasons - different in each case - but we have also seen repetition to certain scenarios. Here are some examples of
California Lemon Law cases that that the client turned over representation to
our firm, and then we subsequently negotiated a settlement with the manufacturer
for our clients:
firm focused on the problem with the
most repair attempts, but was not
the problem that produced "substantial
impairment to use or safety" under our California lemon law statute.
We pursued the correct problem/defect and settled the case.
firm pursued the manufacturer to no avail. The defect was "intermittent". We had the client wait until the problem manifested
itself and the client was able to videotape the defect/symptom. We then had
the client give the servicing dealer a video CD of the symptom, the client
got another repair – this time verified,
wherein the other repair attempts had yielded "could not duplicate
customers concern". At that juncture we pursued the manufacturer and got
our client a buyback of their lemon vehicle.
firm was telling client that the manufacturer would only offer a buyback,
but the client has substantial negative equity from their trade-in,
effectively putting them "upside down" (owing the manufacturer money).
The client wanted a replacement. The manufacturer was not offering a
replacement (not required in California). Upon assuming representation, we
successfully negotiated a very large "cash settlement" with the client,
allowing the client to then take the cash settlement, trade-in their vehicle
for another new one (it was a same year- model) and not have to put in any
money, nor carry over any negative equity.
simply got a letter from previous attorney firm (we see this all the time),
wherein the attorney firm simply "informs" the client in letter form
that the attorney firm is not longer representing them in their California
lemon law case, and released themselves as legal counsel. We then review and
evaluate their documents, and pursue the manufacturers ourselves, reaching a
settlement for our clients with the manufacturer.
firm was demanding the manufacturer to repurchase the vehicle under the
California lemon law with nothing more than a "boilerplate" 2-page demand
letter, without even asking the client for, nor providing the manufacturer with
a copy of the Purchase Agreement and repair documents, instead simply stating
letter copy to the effect of ‘too many times in the shop’. The client had not signed a Retainer Agreement with the other firm (and the other
firm was allegedly doing the case at "no charge"), called and released the
other firm, and hired us instead with a signed Retainer Agreement. We had the
client get a "warranty repair history" printout from the servicing dealer
(as the client did not have all his repair invoices and did not even know what a
Warranty Repair History printout was),
get the rest of his ownership documents, and send us a "complete" package.
We then assembled the package, produced a convincing
legal demand to the manufacturer for a buyback pursuant to the California lemon
law, and settled the case for the client with a vehicle repurchase (buyback).
We put everything in writing. You can read it right now…
To the left of this text is a "click" link entitled "Why choose our law
Firm". This is your lemon law attorney firm "litmus test". This page on
our website is printable, and tells you the 14 key reasons why you should
utilize our lemon law firm to handle your potential California Lemon Law case.
We believe that our clients are entitled to the very best legal representation
– nothing less.
We receive legal fees
and costs from the automobile manufacturer.
When our California lemon law
was enacted, the statute included a "reasonable attorneys fees and costs"
provision. This means that the automobile manufacturer is responsible to pay us
monies for our attorney’s fees (time) and costs (costs to pursue case). This
makes legal representation a reality for the consumer.
We avoid needless lawsuits to save you time and frustration.
We are in the business of settling (winning) our clients California lemon law
cases in the shortest possible time. We strive to settle our cases up-front with
the automobile manufacturers to avoid potentially lengthy litigation (lawsuits).
However, if the manufacturer is stubborn, and will not settle, we will
vigorously enforce our client’s legal rights by taking all legal steps to
pursue their Lemon Law claim. Our firm only has to go to court in roughly 5 of
every 1,000 California lemon law cases we pursue. That’s the difference
experience makes!
It’s time to take the next step…
Now that you have discovered
and read about our firm, why not call us now and find out if you have a qualifying Lemon Law
case? It takes only minutes and you could be one step closer to ridding yourself
of your "lemon" vehicle!
Statewide service to all California consumers.
Call anywhere from California:
Law Offices of William R. McGee
California Lemon Law Attorneys